Black Vicky wrestles busty Natasha |
Match: Vicky (black) vs. Natasha (white)
Style: full competitive pins & submissions
Location: Gym mat wrestling
Attire: non topless
Match: one-sided
Bereits Mitte der 90iger fand dieses schnelle Duell zwischen 2 Frauen statt, die eher seltene Gäste auf der Ringkampf-Matte sind: Die schwarze Vicky, groß und athletisch und die blasse Engländerin Natasha, etwas schwerer und mit üppigen Brüsten ausgestattet. Vicky hatte zu diesem Zeitpunkt bereits 2 Ringkämpfe für TPC absolviert und beide gewonnen, während Natasha hier das erste Mal in ihrem Leben auf der Matte steht.
Vicky pins Natasha |
Dieser einseitige Schwarz-gegen-Weiß-Ringkampf ist kein technisches Highlight, da beide Mädchen Anfängerinnen sind. Trotzdem ringen sie voller Enthusiasmus und es es macht Spaß zu sehen, wie die schwarze Frau mit ihrer Agressivität sich einen immer größer werdenden Vorteil verschafft. Aufgrund von Vertragsstreitigkeiten wurde dieses Duell erst viele Jahre nach dem Kampf veröffentlicht. Für Fans von Kämpfen, in denen ein schwarzes Mädchen deutlich gegen ein Weißes triumphiert, ist dieser Ringkampf ein absolutes Muss.
Black Vicky is too strong for busty Natasha |
This is a rare non topless wrestling match between 2 rarely seen wrestlers: black Vicky, tall and very agressive and busty Natasha from England. Vicky has already 2 fights under her belt and is still undefeated. Natasha is new to wrestling and this is her very first fight ever. Due to the fact that both women are beginners this classic black woman beats up white woman wrestling match do not offers skills and perfect holds, but lot of wrestling enthusiasm and much fighting spirit. Both women don't want to be the one who gets pinned first, so the beginning of the match is slow and both are wrestling very carefully.
After a few minutes, Vicky gets a litle bit more agressive and it looks like Natasha is impressed. Now it's obviously that the black woman is stronger and Natasha tries her very best to defend herself, but Vicky is better: She tackles Natasha to the ground and pins her down: 1-0. Only a few moments later the busty white woman is again in trouble and again outmatched by a powerful scissor: 2-0 for Vicky. Now it's an easy fight for Vicky: She is in control and even if she don't dominate Natasha all the time there's no way for Natasha to score an own point. Now the black woman attacks again and again and soon leads by 4-0 after 2 powerful and agressive take downs. The last one finally ends this one-sided and typical black beats up white wrestling match: Natasha gets hurt during the fifth submission all and can't continue. The fight is over and Vicky is the decisive winner by 5-0 points. This black vs. white wrestling match is a must have for all fans of interracial female wrestling. It's a rare movie and worth to watch.You can buy this wrestling match here:
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